Amazon KDP kindle and PaperBack Business

Mind It:

Amazon is a sensitive marketplace. They can suspend you any time and any where. So always careful about amazon.

What you need to follow:

Amazon always aware of copyright& trademark issuse. They suspend only those who broke their rules.

What we need to Follow:

We need to create unique and trademark free book and product.

How to free Book Copyright for Amazon:

we need to spin all book content Using spinbot software. Then paste it microsoft excle. Then check it smallseotools palariziam checker software.

How to Check Trademark and Copyright Using software:

Trademark and copyright check software:

  1. Trademarkia
  2. tm hunt
  3. TESS ( Uspto )
  4. Google chrome extension product for kdp

How to Use Product for KDP Extension:

When upload Amazon paperback in KDP account. You can check copyright and trademark.

How to Advertise and sell Book in amazon:

Two types advertisment you can run in amazon adverising section:

  1. Automatic targeted ads.
  2. Keyword targeting ads

When You run keyword targeted ads:

When You don’t cover your targeted keyword in your book . You need to target keyword for more and more customer.

How you can get more customer using keyword targetd ads:

Imagine you write a book name hapiness. You con’t find right keyword for your business.

How can You get 10K+ customer for this book:

For Hapiness book. we can target any taype of keyword for wellness and heath. So keyword can unlimited.

How can we get keyword idea:

We just search in google health blog or wellness blog. Then input this keyword in our Amazon advertise campaign. This all keyword gives us huge potential customer.

Targetd country:

We can target all over the world. Amazon can helps us to sell all countries. We just need to check copyright and trademark those countries.